
  • 7 Ways to Test for Tennis Elbow at Home and in Office

    Tennis elbow, or lateral epicondylitis, develops when the forearm muscles that connect to the outside of your elbow become irritated. This can cause pain and tenderness that’s usually located on the outside (lateral) part of the elbow. There are several simple tests you can do to determine if you have tennis elbow. You can do most of these tests on your own, but a few do require the assistance of a doctor or medical professional.

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  • Ulnar Collateral Ligament Injury Symptoms and Treatment

    A gamekeeper's thumb, also called a skier's thumb, is an injury to one of the important ligaments at the base of the thumb joint. The injury involves the ulnar collateral ligament (UCL), a band of tough, fibrous tissue that connects the bones at the base of the thumb. This ligament prevents the thumb from pointing too far away from the hand.

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  • How to prevent hand injuries around the house

    Hand injuries while performing everyday activities — such as cooking, woodworking, exercising and lawnmowing — are too common. Many of these injuries can be prevented by adhering to simple, common sense guidelines.

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  • How to treat Hand and Wrist Injuries in Sport?

    Most sports, particularly involving balls or rackets will involve some kind of contact with the hand and fingers and mostly we’d rush that off as part of the experience of the game

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  • Coping with Video Game Related Repetitive Stress Injuries

    If you play video games and your hands start to hurt, you run the risk of suffering a repetitive stress injury that causes pain and even numbness in your hands. These symptoms are caused by swelling and compression along the carpal tunnel, a sheath for a nerve and some tendons that run from the palm to the shoulder.

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Useful Links

  • American Academy of Arthopaedic Surgeons
  • American Society For Surgery of The Hand